Introducing the "Self-Care Blueprint" Designed Specifically for Exhausted, Overwhelmed Caregivers with No Time for Themselves.
Discover How to Personalize A Blueprint to Prioritize Self-Care,
Create MORE Me-Time, and Increase Productivity in 30 Days or Less..... Achieve A Stronger You!

Self-Care Blueprint Video Course

Only  $77 CAD 

Usually $154 50% OFF!

Don't Neglect your well-being, 

Think me-time.  

Jenn has observed that many caregivers neglect their needs and fail to seek help when necessary. This often leads to burnout and serious health problems. 

Over the past two decades, she has developed a self-care formula that has helped her maintain her health while caring for others. 

Now, she wants to share these strategies with other caregivers.

Discover the 3 Bs, a simple and practical approach to developing your Blueprint for Self-care: Breath, Base Focus, and Life Balance. 

Easily incorporate self-care into your daily routine, empowering your well-being.

Deep Breathing Exercise   

Nutrition Support for Your Nervous System and Self-Care Blueprint   

Jenn encourages you to find a Physical Element that you bring into your blueprint. 

Support from others and Jenn in her Private Self-Care Blueprint Group on Facebook

Remember, you're not alone in this journey. Seek support from Jenn's Private Self-Care Blueprint Group on Facebook. This community is a safe space to share your experiences, learn from others, and find the support you need to prioritize self-care.

Only  $77  CAD 

Usually $154

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